
时间:2024-02-23 15:46:41



英文求职信 篇1

i wish to apply for the position advertised in jobspower.com. i feel that i am competent to meet the requirements which you have specified.

i am twenty-seven years of age. after graduating from school i took a two year's business course in city commercial college. since graduating i have worked for three years in a lawyer's office, where i am at present employed. i now wish to enter an office where the work requires greater individual responsibility and judgement than here, and where there is more opportunity for advancement.

i have permission to refer you to mr. jams white, principal of the city college, for statements as to my character and ability. if your wish further references, please communicate with mr. horace greene, president of the taipan wood company.

英文求职信 篇2

may 13,20xx

p.o. box 36

biit university

beijing,china 100000

dear sir/madam:

now and then corporations send out feelers for just the right type of creative person. this person must fit very specific criteria. usually, after all is said and done, the corporation wants a business person who can manage, create and communicate. a seasoned professional who‘s been around for a while.

if you‘ve been looking for this rare combination of business savvy and design expertise, my background might interest you:

ten years of working experience. solid background in the management of creative up-and-comers.

know new technologies that show instant profit, such as cad/cam.

this is but a brief summary of my abilities. and there is much, much more to share.i feel i have strong marketable skills in which you would be interested. please contact me if you would like to hear and see more.

with many thanks,

huang yan

英文求职信 篇3

Dear Human Resources Manager


I am honored to be your busy schedule to read my cover letter, thank you

My name is Cao Fei, a Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Computer Science graduating undergraduates and technical expertise, will get a BS in Computer Science. Four years of college, laid a solid theoretical basis, good organizational skills, teamwork spirit, pragmatic style of work.

As a college student, I am very well aware how fierce competition of contemporary talent, a competitive talent requires not only a solid and a wealth of expertise, the knowledge and the overall quality to be consolidated and strengthened. Often participate in various sports activities, social practice, practical experience is outstanding, with good team spirit and human interpersonal communication and coordination skills. Holidays and summer vacation to do some promotion and market research; in order to constantly improve themselves, to a complex talent of a new century, to meet the challenges of society.

Proficient in C and C + +, JAVA. Familiar with Linux, Windows and other operating systems. Familiar with the Office, WPS Office automation software. Self-an HTML, Frontpage, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, etc. web production software. Proficiency in commonly used software can use. Computer II, CET 6 national certificate.

Received on the occasion of the pen, solemnly raised a small request: Whether or not you choose me, Dear leaders, we hope you will accept my sincere thanks!

Wish your organization business was flourishing!

英文求职信 篇4

dear leaders:


you and i may have not met, but i want to say - your choice is correct.

everyone has a lot of opportunities will often be faced with choices and options, as people travel白驹过隙, ebb tide. faced with challenges in life, my credo is: self-confidence, self-improvement, always!

university life is only a small section of the post, knowledge of the ocean of knowledge and desire to some extent, we created our ability and confidence.

as students, i can do for my major universities have a better memory for four years and am honored.

individuals in the turning of a new page, i have confidence in their own hands and to work to create a better tomorrow.

for whom did not remain in history, and history of hundreds of thousands of records through the story, i would like all yearn for a better and positive people will for sure history.

you might think, is what i sought, or the sentence, the number of风流人物and see jinzhao.

xxx would like to was

英文求职信 篇5










交际能力是你在工作中表现出来的最重要的能力,而你的求职信就是向用人单位展现你在这方面竟争力的第一个机会。求职信应该有说服力、通俗易懂而且亲切近人。第一个交际行为都是关于你个人的一个信息。在求职过程中可能会用到以下几种信函: 申请信、求职函、信息型信函、感谢信、接受信、撤回申请信、拒绝信。

1.申请信:这类信函的作用是使用人单位有兴趣看你的简历并为你安排面试。你应考虑采取的策略是说明你是符合招聘要求的人选。仔细研究招聘要求,然后选择一个或几个能有力说明你适合这份工作的方面,如受教育程序、经历、兴趣或责任心等等,还 要将你过去的工作表现和经历与申请的工作联系起来。

2.求职函:这尖信函的作用于和写作方法与申请信大同小异,它不适用于在异地寻 求工作。信函的形式要与具体的求职目标相对应。写这类信件更应注重从职业和所在机 构的.角度来陈述自己能够适应工作环境要求的理由。

3.信息型信函:这类信件可以为你提供一次参加咨询的机会,而不是一次面试。你会在咨询会上见到一些人,他们会给你提供有关你申请的那个工作的情况,你想得到一 次面试机会的初衷可能会有所改变,但是你希望与一些人联系并得到他们的帮助的意愿 应始终保持真诚。

4.感谢信:这是一个非常重要但却在求职过程中很少被运用的一种信函。它可以帮助你树立良好的信誉,表达你的感激之情,或许不能增加你成功的机率。每一个帮助过你的人都值得你去感谢他们。在参加完面试之后,如果你打算写一封感谢信,一定不要拖过24个小时,而且要给每一个你会过面的人都发一封。对那些在人才交流会上见过面 的人和那些给你提供过帮助的人,你也应该给他们发感谢信。

5.接受信:如果你接受了对方提供的条件,应该发一封这样的信对此加以确认,也 应该积极肯定用人单位的选择,通常情况下,在你发出这类信函之后,应该给对方打个 电话,以进一步讲座有关的细节性问题。

6.撤回申请信:你一旦接受了一份工作,出于礼貌你应给其它你所申请的单位发一封信,以撤回你的申请。对这些单位对你的申请所给予的考虑表示感谢。你应从个人的 角度来说明接受另一份工作的原因,千万不要说你选择了一个更好的工作。

7.拒绝信:这类信函并非只有用人单位可以发。求职者可能发现用人单位提供的条件与他们的求职目标不符,因此应该考虑巧妙地拒绝用人单位提供的条件,但是在采取这一行动之前,求职者应充分考虑那些条件,在认为确实不适合自己时才这样做,同时 也不要忘记发一封感谢信,对用人单位给予的机会表示谢意。




2. 个人资料:写信人应述明自己的年龄或出生年月,教育背景,尤其是和应征的职位有关的训练或教育科目、工作经验或特殊的技能;如无实际经验,略述在学类似经验亦可。

3. 备询人员或推荐人:正常的顺序是先获得这些人同意后再把他们的姓名、地址列入信中,推荐人二至三名即可。

4. 结尾:求职信的结尾在希望并请求未来的雇主允以面谈的机会,因此,信中要表明可以面谈的时间。使用的句子要有特性、避免软弱、老生常谈的滥调。

英文求职信 篇6

Dear leaders:

Thank you for your concern about the use of the valuable time of my cover letter!

My name is XXX, XX, and this year's 22-year-old, height****zero, X years in XXXX on XXX graduated from the University, his loyalty to honest and reliable; will be day-to-day operation of computers, has won numerous awards in the student and to participate actively in hospital the activities of school organizations, have a good life style and high sense of discipline in mind, the awareness of higher consciousness, to the implementation of good order, a strong sense of teamwork, hard work style, not afraid of hardship, and the courage first to. the work of a sense of responsibility strong, and ready to help others on the tasks assigned by the superiors motivated and good at learning on their own hard work, a certain degree of grass-roots management experience.

I have learned is the professional management of industrial and commercial enterprises, but I do not rigidly adhere to professional constraints, of all walks of life are full of confidence and love. Of course, in the spare time, I like to do is to read the Exercise and Sport . I like to see some kind of inspirational books, like her spare time for basketball, soccer and other ball games! I think that there is no good physical work conditions can not be backed up, there is no more flexible mind can not be!

Optional wood and good bird habitat, allow disabled persons to friends. An opportunity to co-operate, to me is a good start, for you are a wise choice. I was a Chollima, as you are pursuing the ability and insight to such a re - The horses only. sincerely hope you can give me a play to realize the value of life, in order to effect social development opportunities. language can only be moved by the people of time, the ability to prove I can. I believe that under your wise leadership, in my diligence efforts, tomorrow I will become a member of your organization best. My credo is: Opportunities favor only those people who are fully prepared.

I wish you every success for the cause.

Waiting for your good news!



英文求职信 篇7



年之久,自信有充分工作经验,可担任贵公司所招聘的职务。 本人自一九八一年开始,一直担任售货业务以及函件的撰写工作。在工作期间,除正式





板,对我的工作雄心颇为赞许,因此,愿协助找另谋他职。 如果方便的话,我愿亲赴贵公司办公室晋见阁下,以便详细说明。xx启dear sir,

the years before i was employed at the new world, i was a secretary for long brother,

an accounting firm. there i became familiar with accounting terms and procedures.i was graduated at wah yan college, in june 1974. i am twenty-five years of age

and single.

i am leaving my present position because i can use my capabilities more fully

in a position with wider scope. my present employer knows of my ambition and is helping

me to find a new place.may i see you at your office to tell you more about myself and show you just how

well i can do the work you require.yours faithfully, sample 12

贵公司在六月二日布里斯多报上所刊登征求的职位正是本人想要得到的。 我今年十九岁,


立和修理工作。 家父为一名司机,我时常帮他修理汽车。去年夏天,我加入一群远征队旅行




科主任,史列德先生。 倘若您能考虑我的申请,并给予面试机会,我将十分感谢。 (签名) 309 lake ave.

bristol, ohiojune 17, 19- crown laundry co.

bristol, ohiogentlemen: in reply to your advertisement in the bristol news of june 2, i wish

to say that i am seeking the kind of position your offer. i am nineteen years old,

and expect to graduate from the bristol technical high school this month. during three

years of the course i have been working with many kinds of machinery and have helped

to set up and repair the machinery in one of the school shops. my father is a chauffeur,

and i helped him in repairing automobiles. last summer i took a party of excursionists

on a three weeks‘tour. while we were in west epping, away from repair shops, my machine

was badly damaged. i had to repair two cylinders and rig up a temporary steering wheel.enclosed you will find a copy of my resume-and my photo. i believe they may be

found satisfactory. concerning my character i am permitted to refer to mr. h. l. sled,

head of the mechanical section of the bristol technical high

